Artist: Debbie Hayes
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ARTIST NOTE: Scale is everything with this finish. For example, on a focus wall, the scale should be quite large, versus on an art canvas. So adjust the size of the brushes and the pattern accordingly.
1 | Roll on 2 coats of primer. Let dry between coats.
2 | Mix basecoat paint: 3 parts Moody, 6 parts Bright Silver
and 1 part Reflection. Roll on 2 coats. Let dry between coats.
(Photo 1)
3 | Handpaint tree “shadows” with the color Moody, using a flat artist brush. Let dry.
(Photo 2)
Tip: You can run an image search for your subject matter along with the word ‘shadow’ for visual inspiration and reference.
4 | Use an old stencil brush to artfully tap on WundaSize along most of your painted shadows, but not quite over them. You want the shadows to show, enhancing the dimension of your artistry. Let come to tack.
(Photo 3)
About the Artist
Debbie Hayes earned a BA in Fine Arts, concentrating on painting, and has spent 95% of her career as a full-time artist. She is a book illustrator, graphic artist, art director, photographer, stylist, website designer, writer, faux finisher for 20 years, and DIY tutorial blogger. Many decorative painters know her from events like the annual ArtFusion Event and IDAL Decorative Artisans League where she has been an instructor, teaching various faux finishing techniques using the products and stencils she loves most.
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