Urban Vibe decorative finish

Urban Vibe

Artist: Art Deco Unique

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1 | Prime the surface with an appropriate, high-quality, water-based primer with the low nap roller and allow to fully dry. Then, tear 2-3 pages from the catalog or magazine and rip them in different sizes and shapes, whatever sparks your creativity.
(Photo 1)

2 | Use a small amount of the multi-purpose glue on the back of the ripped paper and then apply the paper on the surface.
(Photo 2)

3 | With a plastic knife or plastic spatula press gently on the glued paper to avoid the air bubbles and to make sure the paper is glued entirely.
(Photos 3-4)

4 | Mix one cup Soapstone with Slow Dry Fluid Acrylics:
– Approx. ½ teaspoon Titanium White
– Approx. ½ teaspoon Raw Sienna
(Photo 5)

5 | Using the Medium Plaster Trowel, apply the mixture on the surface, slightly avoiding the paper. Let dry completely.
(Photos 6-7)

6 | Mix one cup Soapstone with:
– Approx. ½ teaspoon Pre-Mixed Metallic Paint Moody
(Photo 8)

7 | Apply an even, thin layer of the mixture on the whole surface area using the Medium Plaster Trowel. Avoid the paper parts. Let dry completely and then apply a second layer.
(Photos 9-10)

Note: Apply very thin layers.

8 | Sand with light circular movements on the surface until it becomes smooth. Do not sand on the paper.
(Photo 11)

9 | Apply Clear Topcoat Dead Flat with a soft brush or a roll. Let dry completely.
(Photo 12)

Here is the final texture.
(Photo 13)

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Art Deco Unique

About the Artists
Elena and Rodica are two prosperous and hardworking individuals united by a common interest and artistry. E & R Wall Art by Art Deco Unique are open to travel and collaboration with designers, contractors, businesses, and homeowners. Based in New York with an Eastern European background, they learned to thrive open-minded and border-less. Each wall art commission consistently requires individual touch and specific combination of technics. Elena graduated as a Fashion Designer in 2010, and Rodica graduated as a Mural Artist in Design and Decorative in Design and Decorative Arts in 2006. Their years of experience in Murals, Gilding, Mosaic, and Decorative Finishes, along with academic achievements and diverse artistic skills, demonstrate imminent triumph and delight through their Wall Art and Design. Art Deco Unique brings joy by doing what they love, and their talent is recognized at national and international competitions, winning multiple awards along the years. The experience gained from multiple projects, combined with their knowledge and curiosity, engaged a beautiful cooperation between them and the versatility of Golden Paintworks products. Rodica and Elena are excited for challenges and new opportunities to dig into their luggage full of ideas.

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