Men Of Vision
Mural Artist: Brent Houzenga
Location: Johnson City, New York
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The iDistrict Project mural in Johnson City really came together perfectly. I’ve been interested in telling stories from history that I think need to be remembered in the times that we are living in. When I was first accepted into the project I was linked with the owners of the building, and the first story they told me was about George F. Johnson, the founder of the town, and the surrounding areas. He’s a local legend, and still a hero to the people of that town.
About the Mural:
Name: Men Of Vision
Size: approximately 30’x60’ (3 stories tall)
Products used: Golden Paintworks Mural & Theme Paint, Kobra Spray Paint, Poster Board, Masking Tape, X-acto Knife and Blades.
See it at:
17 Broad Street
Johnson City, New York 13790
About the Mural
George F. Johnson had a shoe factory which made every pair of boots for the soldiers in World War One. They were also the largest manufacturer through the Vietnam War.
He had a factory and was a businessman, but he was also kind of a socialist who took care of his employees and basically built the entire town. Employees had access to affordable housing, Johnson would build the houses and sell them to employees at cost. Employees also had free medical care and all sorts of other benefits. You can see why everyone loved him. And in my eyes, this is just a really rare story in capitalism. Could you imagine if all of the billionaires of today actually shared their wealth?! Imagine how much better everyone’s lives would be.
I have also had this experience of stories finding me, from the same time period as the photos. I’ve been using these types of photos as inspiration since I was 22 years old. Painting George F. Johnson was a no brainer.
As far as the design goes I repeated the “Warhol” squares which I have used in several murals, but also took the shape in the center from the Susquehanna River, and filled it with some of my signature abstraction I typically use in studio work. Throughout some of the mural I have stenciled the phrase “Home Of The Square Deal” – one of George F. Johnson’s slogans (that actually influenced Roosevelt’s “New Deal”). The other phrase stenciled throughout the design is “Men Of Vision” – the owners of the building had done some research on the history of the building, which used to house an optometrist. The owners had collected several ads which used this phrase. Not only do I like the phrase I also think it fits well with George F. Johnson.
Watch a time lapse of the mural being created here.
![Details of "Men Of Vision" - my most recent and largest mural in Johnson City, NY, depicting its founder and local hero George F Johnson.](
About the Maker
My name is Brent Houzenga. I’m from a rural community in Illinois originally. Lucky for me I got into comic books at an early age and later into punk rock and skateboarding. I always knew I wanted to do something with art but really had no clue how to go about it.
I went to Western Illinois University and studied fine art, turns out comic books don’t happen in the fine art department! I studied printmaking and graphic design, all the while playing in bands and using the things I learned about DIY to promote my bands, making posters, producing zines, and putting them everywhere.
How did you get started painting murals?
Murals really just came naturally with the territory and the type of work that I do.
I was viral before the internet! Ha! Right before graduation I found two photo albums from the 1890’s in someone’s trash. Again I didn’t know exactly what I was doing, but I started painting these people and immediately knew I was onto something. I was fortunate to have this experience, because finding these photos made me think about how short life is and begged the question: What do you want to do with your life? I’ve been painting these anonymous people for a little over 17 years.
I love that they are anonymous. I don’t know who they are but it is my thought that Everyone is meant to shine. Because they are anonymous but presented in this pop art style, viewers often want to know “who is that?” which has led me to depicting some of my heroes, and other figures whose stories I think need to be shared.
![Brent Houzenga, New Orleans-based painter and musician](
Do you have any other projects coming up that you’d like to share?
As of right now I am working on another mural proposal here in New Orleans. I also paint cars and am known around town for that. I am working on putting together a short documentary about my Art Cars and the people that drive them. I’m also working on putting together a book of essays about my life and work, which I hope to self publish.
See more of Brent Houzenga’s work:
Instagram: @houzenga
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